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You are invited: PartiSEApate conference!

Baltic Maritime Spatial Planning Forum

17th-18th June 2014, Riga, Latvia

In the framework of the PartiSEApate project, the VASAB Secretariat invites you to the Baltic MSP Forum – PartiSEApate Final Conference. The event shall serve as a forum for discussions among those involved in and affected by Maritime Spatial Planning on how to further develop and enhance MSP in the Baltic Sea Region.

Topics covered will include:

  • Latest developments in MSP in the Baltic Sea and other European Sea Basins
  • Sectors perspectives on MSP in the Baltic Sea
  • MSP and environmental protection
  • How to enhance Baltic Sea wide cooperation and consultation on MSP
  • Ways of mutli-level public participation in MSP
  • Research and data needs for MSP 

The detailed conference programme and registration form will follow soon. There will be numerous opportunities for active contributions (workshops & exhibition). 

For now please SAVE THE DATE in your agendas. Please distribute this information to interested colleagues. We are looking forward to meeting you this summer in Riga!

MSP transnational governance system

PartiSEApate is developing a model for a transnational governance system for MSP to be presented at the PartiSEApate Conference on the 17th and 18th June 2014 in Riga. For this purpose interviews are being carried out with selected sectoral stakeholders and MSP experts in February and March 2014. The aggregated interview results will be discussed with this target group in the context of round tables.

Cross-sectoral workshop on conflicts and opportunities of MSP

The cross-sectoral workshop represents the second stage of stakeholder involvement after the single-sector workshops. Invited representatives with different backgrounds (nature protection/environment, fisheries, offshore wind, shipping/ports) will interact horizontally with each other to identify joint future opportunities as well as look for solutions to possible conflicts within the framework of MSP development. The conclusions drawn from this cross-sectoral workshop will feed into the model of a MSP Transnational Governance System. The Cross-sectoral Workshop on Conflicts and Opportunities is scheduled for 10th April 2014 in Hamburg. 

Synthesis report of stakeholder workshops soon to be published

A total of nine sectoral stakeholder workshops a took place between April and November 2013.

The findings from these workshops are compiled in a synthesis report. This report shows the various sector perspectives, their expectation towards MSP as well as issues for future MSP development on a pan-Baltic scale. It therefore provides input for future discussions on transnational objectives and priorities.

The synthesis report will be available for download from the PartiSEApate website.

Report on Stakeholders in Swedish Marine Planning available online

The report Stakeholders in Swedish Marine Planning. Who they are and how they can be involved can be downloaded from the PartiSEApate website. This report analyses and categorises the most important stakeholders and shows ways for involving them on a national as well as on a transnational level.

Report on the 2nd transnational stakeholder meeting on the environmental impact assessment of the Lithuanian Maritime Spatial Plan

The extension of the Lithuania General Plan to the whole Lithuanian EEZ and the transnational implications are studied as one of three model cases in the scope of the PartiSEApate project. For the second time, a Lithuanian-Latvian stakeholder meeting took place on 9th January 2014 in Riga, Latvia. Representatives from Latvian ministerial departments, the energy and shipping sectors, local municipalities, NGOs, VASAB representatives, researchers and spatial planners attended the meeting. The report in Latvian is available on the PartiSEApate website. The English version will follow shortly.

Workshop proposal for European Maritime Day in Bremen submitted

PartiSEApate, together with the TPEA project and the North Sea Grid Initiative, has submitted an application for organising a stakeholder workshop at the European Maritime Day in Bremen (19th/20th May 2014). The workshop shall raise awareness on how MSP can serve as an instrument to stimulate sustainable growth while balancing environmental, social and economic objectives related to the sea space. The workshop will focus on sharing experiences from currently ongoing transboundary maritime planning processes in four different sea areas: the Baltic Sea Region, the Algarve/Gulf of Cadiz, the East Coast/Irish Sea and the North Sea.  Specifically, the workshop shall provide:

  • A comparative analysis of all four sea areas and transboundary initiatives
  • Specific (sea-basin) topics of relevance to be covered by transboundary planning
  • Findings on member state interaction, stakeholder involvement and governance processes.